Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)
What is Shockwave?
Shockwaves are high-energy sound waves which are transmitted to the affected area to accelerate healing. The treatment increases blood flow, decreases localised pain and stimulates cell regeneration - this encourages the body to repair itself. Shockwaves also break down injured tissue and calcifications.
Is shockwave safe?
Yes. It has NICE guidance for a large number of indications and is used within the NHS. Shockwave Therapy performed by qualified therapists is largely risk-free.
Is Shockwave painful?
You may experience some discomfort during treatment but the pain should be tolerable. Due to the analgesic effect of Shockwave Therapy many patients report immediate pain relief following treatment.
If you experience pain after treatment you may use ordinary non-prescription painkillers such as paracetamol. Do not use anti-inflammatory medication or Ibuprofen as both may interfere with the body’s self-healing process.
Conditions treated by Shockwave:
Achilles Tendonitis
Morton's Neuromas
Metatarsalgia (Forefoot pain)
Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Pain)
Patellar Tendonitis (Jumper’s Knee)
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (Shin Splints)
How many sessions are needed?
The amount of treatment sessions will vary dependant on the type of shockwave used and conditions being treated. As a general rule 3 - 6 treatment sessions are advised. As this is encouraging the body to heal itself your body will progress in the healing process even 2-3 months after treatment has stopped.
Can Shockwave treat old/persistent injuries?
Statistics vary based on the condition being treated - varying from 60-90% success rate. Studies have shown 90% of patients with Achilles Tendonitis or Heel Pain will experience a full recovery or significant reduction in their pain.
Shockwaves can treat both long-term chronic conditions and newer injuries. There is a great deal of evidence to show that Shockwave Therapy can achieve great results even with historical conditions.